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Challenges in Method Development and Particle Analysis of Biomaterials


On August 17 at ACS Fall 2023 meeting, our Senior Application Engineer, Zhibin Guo, delivered an informative 20-minute technical presentation on Challenges in Method Development and Particle Analysis of Biomaterials. His insights on the latest techniques and approaches enlightened attendees. 


Key Points from his presentation include:

Overview of light scattering techniques commonly used for biomaterials characterization, including dynamic light scattering(DLS), electrophoretic light scattering(ELS), and static light scattering (SLS);

Biomaterial examples analyzed by DLS: AuNPs, Lysozyme, Latexes Coupled with Antibodies;

Biomaterial examples analyzed by ELS: Bio-MOF, Calcium Silicate Nanocomposites;

Biomaterial example analyzed by SLS: Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA);


The instrument used for particle analysis of biomaterial samples was the BeNano Series, paired with  BAT-1 Autotitrator for multi-step pH titration. BeNano Series is our latest nanoparticle size and zeta potential analyzer, enabling precise particle size, zeta potential, molecular weight, and rheological properties measurements. Whether you're engaged in academic research or production processes, BeNano provides reliable analytical solutions.





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