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The National Powder Testing Technology Exchange Conference Held in Dandong


On September 22-24, 2020, the "2020 National Powder Testing and Surface Modification Technology Exchange Conference" sponsored by the Powder Association was held in Dandong. More than 100 powder testing and surface modification experts from all over the country gathered Dandong, exchange the latest technological achievements in powder inspection and surface modification. Bettersize Instruments Ltd, as the conference co-organizer, provides a full range of support for this conference.


2020 National Powder Testing and Surface Modification Technology Exchange Conference


The opening ceremony of the conference was presented over by Mr. Sun Ke, Operation Director of Powder Association. Wang Tizhuang, Secretary-General of the Chinese Society of Particulates, and Dong Qingyun, General Manager of Bettersize Instruments Ltd, delivered speeches successively, expressing gratitude to everyone for their contributions to the advancement of powder inspection and surface modification technology, and welcomed the expert coming to Dandong to participate in the conference. More than a dozen experts, including researcher Li Zhaojun from the Institute of Process Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Ding Hao from China University of Geosciences, Professor Li Xingguang from Northeastern University, and Professor Cai Xiaoshu from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, gave a conference report on the latest technology of powder detection and surface modification, which was well-received and welcomed by the participants.


The opening ceremony of the conference

The opening ceremony of the conference


During the meeting, delegates visited the site of Bettersize. This year is the 25th anniversary of the founding of Bettersize Instruments Ltd. For 25 years, Bettersize Instruments has focused on particle testing technology research, instrument manufacturing, and application. Bettersize Instruments have been selling to 34 provinces and municipalities across the country, and exporting to more than 90 countries and regions. The annual sales volume of Bettersize Instruments has exceeded 1,000 units for three consecutive years, and over 20,000 units worldwide, making Bettersize a well-known brand of particle size analyzers in the world.


Bettersize Instruments


Mr. Dong Qingyun, the General Manager of Bettersize Instruments, warmly greeted the expert representatives attending the meeting at the door of the company, and led them to visit the Bettersize Instruments showroom, production workshop and laboratory. Bettersize Instruments' clean and orderly working environment and rigorous and standardized production process made a good impression for everyone.


Mr. Dong Qingyun warmly greeted the expert representatives attending the meeting at the door of the company


In the Bettersize Instruments showroom, everyone learned about the development history, innovative technology, market development and corporate culture of Bettersize Instruments in detail. Teacher Yuan Shaoqiang of Tangshan College said that a small exhibition hall condenses the history of an entrepreneur and a team, embodies the corporate culture of continuous self-improvement and continuous innovation, and is full of confidence in the development of Chinese instruments.


the expert representatives In the Bettersize Instruments showroom


In the Quality Inspection Department of Bettersize Instruments, a series of laser particle size analyzers undergoing fatigue tests are neatly placed on the assembly line. All Bettersize instruments must be tested at full load for a long time before they are allowed to be shipped to customers. Participants took pictures of the assambly line, especially Bettersize Instruments' process flow chart, machine performance inspection table, production schedule and other documents, which attracted everyone's attention. Mr. Wu from Sinopec Hunan Yueyang Company said: “This high standard really matches up with world-class instrument standard!”


the expert representatives visit Bettersize


During the visit, the delegates were pleased with the clean and tidy environment of Bettersize Instruments: the windows are spotless, and the items are arranged in an orderly manner. This is the result of the "The science of cleaning" activity carried out by Bettersize Instruments to train employees to be thorough in everything. And to achieve a perfect way of thinking, work attitude and work requirements.

After two days of meetings, visits and exchanges, the scheduled agendas were successfully completed, and the representatives embarked on their way home with harvest and friendship. Let’s meet again at the next year’s powder inspection and surface modification technology exchange meeting!


Group of the expert representatives








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